My Material Void

Posts Tagged ‘personal

So my good intentions of actually updating this blog on a regular basis seem to have fallen by the wayside, the real world has a habit of getting in the way, but I am posting now and that’s all that matters!!

I have recently had some down time at work and managed to knock up a Birthday Card for My Favorite Boy’s Sister. That’s actually a picture of her to the left of the card, and before anyone says anything, her name is off center for posting reasons (last name was removed)!

We are taking her to a Blitz Party for her birthday, so instead of just telling her, I thought I’d make her something she could keep and open. I felt kind of bad not giving her an actual gift that she could have on her birthday, so I’m making her a feather fascinator too (which will hopefully result in another post in a couple of days), which I know isn’t strictly a thing of war-time Britain – but hey!

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  • Fat Les: I'm gonna follow your blog. Do let me know immediately if your aspirations start to lean towards the Kelly Hoppen/Nicky Clarke (they're the same perso
